Sermon Series
Eyes on the Prize
This series teaches us how to re-order our lives around things that matter most. Scripture repeatedly urges and empowers us to live productively!
Election Evaluation
This series considers the good (and not accidentally) godly Kings of the Southern Kingdom of Judah within Israel. We discern character traits (and yes, flaws) making for quality leaders. Values for voting and for living also revealed through the pages of Scripture.
Shredding Water
“Shredding Water” considers major moves of God’s people across water in Scripture. First, Israel, with it’s back to the Red Sea, receives “Motivation for Motion”. Next, crosses a smaller body of water with a bigger goal!
Grace Embrace
This series dives into God’s unfathomable mercy. Get this, the only way to embrace grace is, by grace!
A Peek Into Paul
“A Peek Into Paul” from II Corinthians sermon series. Profound qualities considered are integrity, authenticity, authority, among others! Stuff that makes for quality living. Want some?